Personal Locator Beacon - stay safe this Summer!

8 Dec

Did you know..........At Mount Maunganui Runners and Walkers we have a Personal Locator Beacon (PLB) that is available to members to book and use.

This is a great tool for anyone heading outdoors, it is the lifeline that can summon help to your location in a life-threatening situation.

Why you should take one

A distress beacon lets you instantly signal for help and they work almost anywhere in the world.The beacon shows rescuers your approximate location, taking the ‘search’ out of search and rescue. The sooner rescuers can help you, the more likely you are to survive.

What is a PLB?

A PLB is a Personal Locator Beacon designed to be carried by an individual person.

Just another benefit of being a member of our club.  Want to join?

Sign up to Mount Maunganui Runners & Walkers today!